Internet ScrapbookingSunday, December 22, 2024 - MST

Our specialty is organizing your videos and pictures of birthdays, holidays, sporting events, dance and piano recitals, vacations, weddings and more onto interactive DVDs.

We can also:

  • Edit your video
  • Add music and voice-overs
  • Convert your VHS tapes to DVD.

Creation of Interactive DVDs
Create a digital scrapbook to give as a gift to your son or daughter for graduation. You could include such things as a birth certificate, artwork, schoolwork, and photo highlights of them growing up. Show this video on their special day - it will be a guaranteed hit!

Eternalize your wedding memories. Create a DVD scrapbook of the bride and groom to play at the reception, or transfer your wedding pictures and video to a DVD. An interactive DVD is a great way to archive your precious memories to share with family and friends.

Transferring Your Photo Scrapbooks to DVD
We can transfer your existing photo scrapbooks to DVD. It's a great way to share them, and you'll also have a visual archive of your hard work and creativity. If you like, we can record your narration as you talk about the pictures. Pick some music to play in the background,too!

Putting Photographs and Slides onto a CD
If you simply want a CD of your pictures and slides, Pettit Media, LLC can do that too. It's an excellent way for simply storing your pictures in a digital format. Once they're in a digital format, you can easily print or e-mail them. Have an extra copy made to store in a safe place.

Custom Labeling Printed Directly onto the DVD/CD
We can print a picture and title of your choice directly onto your DVD/CD. In addition, the included protective case can also have a custom label.

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